Sunday, April 4, 2010

naw cat, no wbc's here, we all cashed out

as you may have noticed, there was not alot of new information from our chemo treatment on thursday. we had our appointment with dr. gupta, got some blood drawn, and got ready for our next installment. however, jenny's blood work came back a little less than stellar. her white blood cells have not come back anywhere close to the level needed to have another chemo treatment. so, having a treatment would have taken her white blood cell count to zero, and risked her getting sick. not wanting to risk it, dr. gupta is going to test again on tuesday. if the levels are still low, they will give jenny a shot that will boost her levels, and we will try again on thursday (the 8th).

having our treatment delayed was most definitely not a positive thing for us. jenny was a little upset at first, but she soon came to grips with it. this adventure is not one of our timing (to be sure, because if left up to me, we would not be on it), but we fully trust that everything will happen as it should in God's time. while not having our treatment did not fit our schedule, i am truly thankful for a small delay. jenny felt better wednesday and thursday than she had since our first treatment, and this meant we would have a few more days of that. not only has she felt better, but we have been blessed with warm weather to enjoy, as well as time to spend with our new nephews caleb and noah. nothing can lift jenny's spirits quite as much as holding babies! again, God's perfect timing shown through the birth of these little ones during a time when we would need an extra portion of joy.

this week, please pray that jenny's body will be a white-blood-cell-making machine, and that things will go well at the dr.'s office. also, pray that the insurance company will pay for the shot she needs to boost her immune system if need be. it is expensive, and while we will pay for it if we have to, i cannot fathom the excuse the insurance company has for not paying.

thank you, thank you, thank you for your continued prayers. we love you, and we continue to covet your prayers and words of encouragement during our journey. --john

1 comment:

  1. praying! Jenny, never thought of you as a white-blood-cell-making-machine...but, sounds like a plan! Love you both so much!
